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The best way to encourage maximum metabolism and nutrient absorption is with variation in your diet. Having different sources of
Here is an all natural way to make fruit popsicles for a sweet and healthy, low calorie summer treat! These
Is spot training effective? This is a complex question with a not so simple answer. The answer is both yes
Muscle balance is very important when it comes to strength and injury prevention. Most of the major muscle groups of
Train to feel good, not to look good! One of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to training,
As the New Year begins and resolutions are in full swing many people set out to find a gym or
Darn you Cellulite, that bumpy appearance underneath the skin! Nobody likes it, nobody wants it, and everyone wants to get
Here is a nice warm, hearty and satisfying soup perfect for the fall and winter months! Ingredients: 1 bag of
How many of you have said or experienced something similar to these comments that have derailed you from your fitness
Meet my client Catie Catie is a member of my personal training app and is one of my first online