Smaller More Frequent Meals
Eat smaller more frequent meals. Smaller more frequent meals help to decrease hunger between meals, boost the metabolism and helps control over eating. The longer you go without eating the more chance you have of pushing the body into starvation mode. Once the body goes into this mode it starts to break down your muscles and metabolize fat, which results in the body storing more fat for reserves, and slows down your metabolism.
When you eat more frequently you train your metabolism to constantly work, burning more fat and calories throughout the day. You will also be less likely to over eat because you will not be starving when you eat. Push to eat 3 small meals and 2 or 3 snacks a day. Most importantly, make sure you eat breakfast. This is one of the most important meals of the day. It jump starts your metabolism which has slowed down during sleeping. You need to eat in order to trigger the metabolism to start its day and do its job.